Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Literacy Activity Cards

In the last few posts, we've discussed improving the literacy environment for young children at home.  Another great way to improve the literacy of pre-school children is through one-on-one activities, such as these Get Ready to Read! Literacy Activity Cards.  Each cards have instructions for fun games that parents and caregivers can play with children to develop upon reading skills.  Examples of the activities include making books or reading puppets; playing rhyming games; and completing word puzzles.


Each card lists materials needed to complete the activity as well as step-by-step instructions.  An explanation of the benefits of the activity is also provided.  Cards are broken down by skill area and skill level.

Skill Areas
                Linguistic Awareness- understanding of how language works.  Rhyming, letter sounds, counting the words in a sentence
                Print Concepts- understand of books and printed letters and words.  Identifying letters, knowing  how books work
                Emergent Writing- attempts to use letters to represent language, writing own name
Skill Level
                Beginning Cards
                Making Progress
                Ready to Read Cards

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